Interfaith Offering Benefits the Chatham Emergency Squad

On November 20th, the Chatham Interfaith Council held an ecumenical worship service timed to be just before Thanksgiving. This annual event brings together Chatham residents of many denominations to worship and give thanks. This year and for the last several years, the collection from the offering has been donated to the Chatham Emergency Squad.

The Chatham Interfaith Council is a group of clergy and religious leaders representing the many diverse Chatham churches, congregations, parishes and religious denominations. They meet monthly to discuss how to care well for the common good of all people in the community. They sponsor annual interfaith events such as the Thanksgiving Interfaith Service.

The service included several members of the Chatham clergy who participated in the service. The congregation was treated to the beautiful sounds of the combined choir and the first ever Chatham Interfaith Ukulele Orchestra under the direction of the Chatham United Methodist Church’s Director of Music Ministries, Peter Hill. Several members of the Chatham Emergency Squad attended in uniform and performed ushering duties.